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“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”

Matthew 25:35


Stone Corral Community Church Pantry is located at 9441 Highway 26 in Valley Springs, CA. We are in the Fellowship Hall beneath the Church Sanctuary and are easily accessed by those with handicaps. For more information about directions, distribution, donations or any other questions please contact Bob Muckey at 209-786-2235 or Stephanie Morris at 209-786-9038. For general questions, concerns or emergency needs you can contact any of our office staff at 209-786-2448. We are open to the general public Every Third Wednesday of the Month 9a.m. – 12 noon.


The Stone Corral Community Church Food Pantry is helping to meet the nutritional, emotional and spiritual needs of others through Christ’s love and the generosity of the community. Stone Corral provides food to all individuals and families who need assistance. We partner with Resource Connection in order to provide a source of food to those in need in our community.


Those that have other needs can speak with any of our staff to see how we can be of assistance. We are always ready to talk, pray or research ways we can be of help to the individuals of our community.


We are always happy to accept your food and financial support as well as your donation of time. Your financial donation goes directly to purchasing food for the Food Pantry. All of our helpers are 100% volunteers and our Pantry is non-profit. You can be assured that your donation does directly into helping feed the community. You are always welcome to come and help in the process of bagging and helping with the distribution of our food parcels. Many of our disabled or elderly customers need assistance in carrying bags to their cars; there is a need for all kinds of service.


If you would like to volunteer at the Stone Corral Food Pantry or have questions not answered on this page, please call the numbers listed above.


“I tell you the truth, whatever you did for the least of these brothers of mine you did for me.”

Matthew 25:40

Stone Corral Community Church

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