Music Ministry
Since Stone Corral Community Church is a country church, the choice of music used in our congregational singing is the old traditional hymns rather than the contemporary music used by most churches today. Since most of the best loved hymns were written from the personal experiences that the composers had with God, that spirit touches us and contributes to our worship experience. Our music choice has drawn many to our church.
Stone Corral Community Church has a string band which plays at the beginning of each Sunday Service. The band plays gospel music that puts us in a worshipful mood before the service begins. The band has band practice at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday evenings located in the new addition of the church. Visitors are welcome to listen as the band practices their music. Anyone who plays a stringed instrument and is interested in playing in the band can contact Steve Probst at church on Sunday Mornings or at the Thursday evening practices.