The goal of Women‘s Ministry is to grow with Our relationship with the Lord, to serve Him With our Christian sisters, and to minister to Our community and the world around us 1 Peter 4:10 Women‘s Luncheon: coordinator Faith 0’Raidy 209-786-2369
We meet four times per year, April, August, October and December on the third Saturday of the month at 11:30 am for our potluck luncheons (and any business to conduct,).
We would love to have you join us for our Bible Study Fellowship. We meet during the fall and winter/spring sessions on Tuesdays.
Morning group meets 10:00 AM Billie Briski (209) 772-2027
Evening group meets 6:00 PM Sherri Mello (209) 772-0343
Winter/Spring Study; “Seeking Him”
Women‘s Ministry offers many opportunities for service.
We invite YOU to join us
Womens Ministry
Arlene Hodgson (209) 786-2226 ahodgson@caltel.com